Raspberry Bakewell Tart Recipe

Raspberry Bakewell tart with shortcrust pastry and almonds

Serves 10-12 Adults

• 1 roll premade shortcrust pastry
• 125g butter
• 150g caster sugar
• 3 medium eggs
• 125g self raising flour
• 125g ground almonds
• 2-3 drops almond flavouring
• 200g raspberry jam
• 125g flaked almonds


1. Preheat the fan oven to 160 degrees Celsius.

2. Line a baking tin with the pastry. Patch up any holes – you can see here that my roll of pastry wasn’t the right shape but that was grand. Prick the pastry, then line with some baking parchment. Pour some baking beans/dried beans/clean coins into the baking parchment. Spread evenly. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes remove from the oven and set the tray to one side while you prepare the filling.

3. Using an electric mixer, beat together the butter and sugar until combined, then add the eggs. Beat again. Next add the flour and ground almonds, followed by the almond flavouring. You will be left with a stiff batter.

4. Spoon the raspberry jam into the par-baked pastry case, spread evenly. Gently spoon the cake batter on top, making sure there are no gaps in the tart for the jam to escape.

5. Smooth the top of the cake batter. Sprinkle the flaked almonds on top of the cake batter and gently press the almonds onto the top so that they stick to the batter.

6. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes until the cake area is cooked through. It should be golden on top and if you use a skewer or a cocktail stick to test, it should come out clean.

7. Remove the tart from the oven and leave it to sit to one side for at least 15 minutes before removing from the tin, slicing, and serving.

8. Enjoy with lashings of tea, maybe some cream on the side.

Recipe Notes:
Yes this freezes so it’s a perfect make in advance tart.
Use whatever jam you prefer.
I only use free range eggs because that’s my preference.
The tin I use here is 30cm x 12cm with a removable base.
If you have a nut allergy you can substitute the 125g of ground almonds for more self raising flour. Do not use the almond flavouring

Raspberry Almond Bake

• 75g unsalted butter
• 150g caster sugar
• 300g ground almonds
• 75g rolled oats
• 2 large eggs
• 1 large piece of shortcrust pastry
• 200g raspberry jam (but measure with your heart here, I won’t set you limits)
• 75g sliced almonds

Preheat a fan oven to 190 degrees Celsius.

Melt the butter and sugar together in a large saucepan on a medium/low heat until you have a syrup. Stir in the ground almonds and oats first. Then the eggs until you get a loose paste (add them last to stop them scrambling).

Line a thick baking tray with baking parchment, cover the bottom of the tray with shortcrust pastry. Slather the top of the pastry with raspberry jam. Spoon the paste mixture on top of the raspberry jam and then gently spread it to cover up the jam. Sprinkle sliced almonds on top and press lightly to make them stick to the paste.

Bake in the oven for 45-55 minutes. Once baked to golden, remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tray before turning out and slicing